Submit Your Story Here
A major concept of The Vaccine Free Child is for it to be a community based website where parents, doctors, scientists and others may share their stories on the website whereby those stories become part of the website. This is where YOU and others may do exactly that: share your story.
So first, what kind of content are we looking for? From parents, we are especially looking for first-hand accounts. Vaccine injury and death stories, why a parent went vaccine free, what challenges a parent may face raising a vaccine injured child, etc. From there, if a parent is raising healthy, vaccine free children, what are they doing? What kinds of food? Supplements? How did they find their doctor? Essentially, if you are a parent and you have some hepful advice for a newer parent or you have some experience, what can you share that will be helpful?
For medical professionals, activists, elected officials and those who are specialists, we are looking for you to share your expertise on specific topics. What do you know that parents ought to know? What can you share that will help them make a decision, raise a child in health, talk with an elected official, interact with hospital staff, say no to a pediatrician, get an exemption, and so on. Share your expertise!
So, that’s the gist.
We do have a requirement: we must have at least one image to go with your story, and the image must be at least 800 pixels wide. The preferred size is 1500 pixels wide. IF YOU CANNOT OR DO NOT HAVE A PHOTO OF YOUR CHILD TO UPLOAD, PLEASE DO NOT SUBMIT. The purpose and point of this website is to share vibrant, healthy, vaccine free children with the world – we need photos for that!
*NOTE: We can also edit your photos if you do not want to use the photo editor. Simply upload them; but if you can edit that’d be awesome.*
1) Review potential images for your story and select a few that are high quality, high resolution to go with your story.
2) The MAIN PHOTO *must* be in the 16:9 aspect ratio format
3) Either use Photoshop OR you can use this online Photo Editor:
4) Add your photo to the photo editor
5) Select CROP and under “aspect ratio” use the dropdown and select “photo 16X9”
6) Crop your image to the new ratio (click the check button) – if you have a LARGE image, then select the part that is most interesting
7) You can adjust EXPOSURE, COLOR, ENHANCE, AUTO ENHANCE and more. Play with these – make your image the best you can make it – your IMAGE is what people will see FIRST when your story is in social media.
8) When you are 100% done with your image, do these TWO THINGS:
A) SAVE your image to your computer at 100% JPEG Quality so you have the full size image
B) THEN, click RESIZE IF your image is larger than 1500 pixels wide, and type in 1500 in the Width section to resize your image to 1500 pixels wide (the *preferred size* for our main image). If your image is 1500 pixels wide, it should be 842 pixels tall. Save THIS image to your computer as well. HOWEVER, if your image is under 1500 pixels wide, do not resize.
You can use similar steps for the rest of your images to make them look even better, but they do not need to be 16:9 ratio. Only the main one does – this is the one that Facebook will use as the main image. Make this image your best/most compelling image!
It is EXTREMELY important that every image has your name on it like this:
john-doe-main-image-1500.jpeg (or jpg)
[first, last, what the image is, pixel width]
We will not know your images from anyone else’s images unless you add YOUR FIRST AND LAST NAME at the front of the filename.
More images are better (e.g., photos of your child, of your family, etc.)
Six hundred to one thousand words is a good length to go with. Here’s a trick: read your story out loud to yourself. Lot’s of times we find ways to make the story sound better by editing as we read out loud.
Alright, so you have written your story. Now you need to create a title. A title is 6 to 9 words that encapsulates what your story is about.
1. Have your images, title and story ready to go.
2. Fill out your name, email, Post Title (title), one or more Tags (e.g., vaccine injury, sb277, vaccine healing), The Answer to the antispam question, a Post Category (you only get one), and copy and paste your story into the editor.
3. Click the reCAPTCHA button.
4. Select your images for upload.
And, that’s it!
Too Much Trouble?
If going through this process is too much for you, but you still want to share, write a post in our Facebook Group! Join right here:
Larry Cook
Submit Your Story